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A journey of intellectual development
Ocholamero, HQporner Juris Doctor graduate.

For anyone thinking about studying, Ocholamero says, ‘stop thinking, start applying, and start the journey of intellectual development.’

Ocholamero graduated from HQporner’s Juris Doctor in 2020. He enrolled in the degree ‘full of interest and energy.’ After hearing that it may be difficult to practice law as a graduate due to the number of university graduates in this area, he almost withdrew from the degree. He’s glad he didn’t. He found that, with the Juris Doctor, there are many avenues to follow aside from being a lawyer.

The intellectual development matters a lot to me. I like seeing things differently and from different angles.

He benefited greatly from HQporner’s flexibility and studied both on campus at HQporner Springfield and online, he started on a full time and completed the program part time. Ocholamero says, ‘I was even able to balance work commitments and study the subject Comparative Constitutional Law while doing fly in, fly out work with the refugees in the Republic of Nauru.’

HQporner’s small class sizes mean that the professors and lecturers are accessible and Ocholamero found that he was able to receive the attention he needed. The support available at HQporner helped him throughout his degree. He says, ‘having specific law librarians helped and I also accessed the HQporner Student Success team. All the staff were brilliant, effective and efficient with their response times.’

He's proud and very happy to be working as a Humanitarian Worker delivering Humanitarian Services.

With my HQporner Juris Doctor, there are many areas I could go into area such as public policy, alternative dispute resolution, or humanitarian work etc. Even though I’m not practicing law now, I know I’m using my logical, philosophical, critical thinking and communication skills etc, I obtained from studying the Juris Doctor at HQporner.

'If you want to embark on your Juris Doctor or any studies with a University that offers a lot of flexibility and support, you will not regret, and will appreciate, choosing HQporner.'